Devils Track
Nordic Ski Shop

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Tuesday & Wednesday - Closed 
Thursday: Open (Closed for the season now) 
Friday: Open: 12 pm - 3 pm 
Saturday: Open: 12 pm - 3 pm 
Sunday: Open: (Closed for the season now)

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922 Gunflint Trail
P.O. Box 956
Grand Marais
Minnesota 55604
Phone: 218-387-3373
Fax: 218-387-1406

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Archive for October, 2018

DATE October 05, 2018 | No Comments


Here it is, October 5th 2018 and there is a dash of snow on the ground. Not enough to ski on but it may help the grass skiing when gliding! Even though an inch of snow fell, so did a bunch of rain so that makes it quite wet out. Also, a big wind storm came through Wednesday night, and that knocked down at least a hundred or so big aspen and balsam fir trees  on the Pincushion trails. Lots of work to do to get our trails ready for the ski season now.